e-Twinning Project: “Safe Steps: Our Road Safety Journey”






This eTwinning project aims to teach kindergarten children the importance of road safety through interactive and creative activities. Partner schools from different countries will explore basic road safety rules using stories, songs, and art. Children will create posters, road safety mascots, and various artworks representing their understanding of road safety. The project will culminate in a collaborative virtual art gallery, where the children’s work will be showcased, celebrating their learning and creativity. This final product will be accessible to all schools and parents, fostering a shared awareness of road safety across borders.

1. Let’s get to Know each other

1.1 Introduce ourselves for teachers



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1.2. Introduce ourselves for students

Επεξεργασία στην τάξη-βίντεο:



Τα μαγικά μας αυτοκίνητα-καταγράφουμε το όνομα και την ηλικία μας




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1.3. Introduce our School:

Introduce my School-Milanote:


Presentation of our school-our video:


1.4. Introduce my city/country:

Introduce my city/country-link to milanote:


Introduce of my city/country-our video:


2. Details of participating Schools and teachers

3. Common points:

3.1. Project’s plan activities


3.2. Project’s tasks for teachers

3.3. Introduction to the concept of road safety


Ιntroduction to the concept of road safety από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

-Επεξεργασία στην τάξη-βίντεο/Our video:


The song we learned about road safety-Το τραγούδι που μάθαμε για την ασφάλεια στο δρόμο:


Το κείμενο της παραγράφου σας από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ


3.4. We make our own fairy tale in class about road safety

Safe-steps: Our Road Safety journey από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ


3.5. Making our own poems about traffic law

Safe steps: Our Road Safety Journey από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

3.6. Traffic accidents

Safe Steps: Our Road Safety Journey από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

3.6.1. Τροχαία ατυχήματα-Δημιουργία έρευνας γονέων-αφορά όλους τους εταίρους του έργου-Questionnaire for parents about traffic accidents


Αποτελέσματα ερωτηματολογίου από την εκπαιδευτικό που το δημιούργησε (Ευγενία Αργυρούδη). Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας θα γίνουν αντικείμενο επεξεργασίας και συζήτησης σε επίπεδο τάξης από όλους τους εταίρους-Results of the questionnaire from the teacher who created it. The results of the research will be processed and discussed at class level by all partners:



3.7. World Car Free Day-Teamwork

Our video:














World Car Free Day από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

3.8. Bicycle in our life-Teamwork


Αdvantages of using a bicycle – teamwork with our messages and opinions από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

Our team works:

















Bicycle in our life-Processing of the topic in our classroom:


3.9. Dictionary of traffic law

Safe steps: Our road safety journey από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

3.10 Collaborative song


Safe steps-our road safety joyrney από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

4. Internet Safety Rules

4.1. Parent’s permission:


School presentation από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

4.2. Our activities for e-safety-common tool:



INTERNET SAFETY RULES: Our activities for e-safety από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

-Internet safety rules in our classroom:


-School collaboration with Saferinternet4kids and seminar to inform children from the Greek safe internet center (Seferinternet4kids-Διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο για την ασφαλή χρήση του διαδικτύου για μαθητές Νηπιαγωγείο και Α΄Δημοτικού την Πέμπτη 24-10-2024):


-Participation in the pan-Hellenic student competition of Saferinternet4Kinds: ‘’Say NO to Cyberbullying-We Learn, We Protect, We Support!’’ (Συμμετοχή σχολείου στον Πανελλήνιο διαγωνισμό του Saferinternet4Kids ”Λέμε ΟΧΙ στον διαδικτυακό εκφοβισμό: Μαθαίνουμε, Προστατευόμαστε, Στηρίζουμε!”


5. Logo election-δημιουργία παρουσίασης σε google docs:


Voting for our mascot in the class-Voting for our common logo of the Project:



6. Evaluation

6.1. Pre-evaluation of teachers and results


pre-evaluation of teachers-Results:


6.2. Pre-evaluation of students and results


Safe Steps: Our Road Safety Journey Pre-evaluation for students από ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΔΗ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ

6.3. Project’s final evaluation for teachers and results

6.4. Project’s final evaluation for students and results

6.5 Project’s final evaluation of parents and result

7. EuropeCodeWeek 14-27 oct 2024

-Δημιουργία συμμαχίας στα πλαίσια του έργου e-Twinning: Safe Steps: Our Road Safety Journey

Participating in the EU Code Week 2024, suggested activities

a. Unplugged Coding. With the help of our little robot Beebot, we can move around in our small town. Print the map and stop at the traffic lights and be careful when you get to the crossings

b. Red Car Pixel Art. Download the file and according to the code find the red car pixel art

c. Playing on Photodentro. In the following link


 you can create shapes using our car – robot.

Κοινόχρηστο padlet:


Our CodeWeek code is cw24-yFd0B


a. Επεξεργασία στην τάξη:


-In the context of learning the rules of road safety, we used our little robot Beebot and we moved around in our small town. We stopped at the traffic lights and we took care when you were to the crossings following the directions of the signs.

c. Επεξεργασία στην τάξη:















8. On line meetings:

Our first live meeting 17/10/2024:


9. We make and play digital traffic education games in class

Φτιάξαμε τα δικά μας puzzles στο jigsawplanet:


Our video-Digital traffic education games in class:


10. What we have learned about road safety: reinforcement games and quizzes

Reinforcement games and quizzes:


Φτιάξαμε το δικό μας κουίζ  στο Genially



Our video-Reinforcement games and quizzes:


σύνδεσμοι με διαδικτυακά παιχνίδια που παίξαμε στην τάξη:


11. What we have learned about road safety: consept mapping (Εννοιολογική χαρτογράφηση)

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